The Jersey Shore Partnership recently held its Annual Meeting at McLoone’s Pier Village, Long Branch with election of officers and board members for the 2018-2020 term. The following were elected officers: John Gagliano, EPS, chairman and treasurer; Linda Kellner, New Jersey Resources, president; Sue Howard, Mayor Monmouth Beach, president-elect; Lynda Pagliughi, Avalon, vice-president; Jane Kunka, SUEZ NA, secretary; and Barbara Hindman, EPS, assistant treasurer/secretary. The Board recognized retiring chairman, John Szeliga, Verizon, who served on the board for 11 years and as Chairman for the past seven years.
Along with the re-election of current members, the Partnership welcomed eight new board members: Sylvia Sylvia, executive director, Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce; Vicki Clark, president and CEO, Cape May Chamber of Commerce; Lauren Goldfarb, vice president marketing, Newport Capital Group, Red Bank; Kelli O’Brien, chief operating officer, Riverview Medical Center, Red Bank; John Peterson, department head and director, Atlantic County Department Regional Planning and Economic Development; Stephen Reid, Mayor Point Pleasant Beach; and Carol Voorhees, senior vice president and chief information officer, NJM Insurance Group.
Following the board meeting, the Partnership hosted a reception for supporters and friends. Long Branch Mayor John Pallone greeted the 90 guests. Senator Vin Gopal addressed the group on the ongoing need to preserve and protect our shore line and the economy it generates. The Senator is a sponsor of a Partnership bill in the State Senate to increase funding for shore protection. A like bill is in the State Assembly.